Safe Places

Our team initially began working with A following a mentoring referral so that she could access support at a difficult time.

Motivated and determined to make Derby a safer place, our team supported A in starting up their own social action project to create Safe Places around Derby City where anyone feeling vulnerable could enter to gain support. 

The campaign grew and many buildings around the city began to show their support for the initiative, wanting to also show their solidarity in creating places where everyone, especially those feeling vulnerable, felt safe. As a result A’s efforts were recognised by winning the Derby Youth Awards ‘Outstanding Contribution to Community’ Award.

A also went on to share their journey and experiences at the Youth Innovation Conference, not only talking in the opening panel alongside high profile experts, but also delivering a workshop to young people and professionals from all over the UK.

The Safe Places initiative is now supported by a growing number of venues across Derby City and backed by the Derby City Youth Alliance. Vulnerable adults and young people can seek help and support if they are concerned about their safety whilst they are away from home. It has been backed by the Home Office’s Safer Streets and The Office of Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner.